E-safety is taught to all pupils explaining and demonstrating how to stay safe and behave sensibly online.


We can only be successful in keeping children safe online if we work with parents to ensure that the e-safety message is consistent. It is important that parents speak to their children about how they can keep safe and behave appropriately online.

It’s essential to be realistic – banning the internet or technology will not work and it often makes a child less likely to report a problem. Education around safe use is essential.

To help you at home these websites are useful.

www.internetmatters.org  Lots of useful advice for parents on a range of issues including cyber bullying, online reputations and online grooming. There is also a link to a useful ‘guide for parents’.

www.parentinfo.org  Useful articles on a range of current e-safety issues and new apps and websites including Minecraft, Snapchat and ooVoo. New articles are added regularly.

www.ceop.police.uk  The official site of the National Crime Agency’s CEOP (formerly the Child Exploitation and Online Protection Centre), containing advice and useful information and a link for reporting online abuse, exploitation or inappropriate images.

https://www.betterinternetforkids.eu/  European Safer Internet with resources in different languages (scroll to bottom)

http://www.saferinternet.org  More links and advice for parents and children including resources linked to Safer Internet Day.

www.nspcc.org.uk  NSPCCs own website with lots of safety advice including video to watch with your children and a link to their work with O2. https://www.o2.co.uk/help/online-safety

www.mumsnet.com  Lots of e-safety advice including a section specifically for preschool and primary.

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